April 7, 2013

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Ask Brian

Last week we gave you the chance to ask the two drivers, Richmond and Spencer, questions about the Cats and driving in Antarctica. Now you can put your questions to Ice Team Leader, Brian Newham. Brian has spent over 20 seasons working in Antarctica and is one of the most experienced polar professionals around. If there’s anything you have wanted to know about The Coldest Journey, Brian is your…

Getting Colder

Getting Colder

Minus 29C, 25 knot winds and drifting snow: things are starting to get tougher for the Ice Team, the true test of their resolve is nearly upon them. It was slower than usual to get the Cats moving this morning, but this is always to be expected with the lower temperatures. This pic was taken whilst Spencer and Richmond were dancing the hydraulics to get them warmed up. Low sun and drifting snow…

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