Rob Lambert Interview

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Rob Lambert Interview

Sir Ranulph Fiennes is due to arrive back in England tomorrow morning before heading into a press conference with the world’s media. Ahead of this event, expedition doctor Rob Lambert answered some questions for the press about Ran’s condition and what his departure means for the rest of the team and the expedition as a whole. His answers were as follows:   Did you help Ran when t…

Boys’ Toys

Boys' Toys

By Rob Lambert No matter how much planning, preparation, and experience you bring to your endeavours, there’s no substitute for on-the-job learning. They say every day’s a school day, and during this depot run we’re all learning plenty – about each other, about our surroundings, and about the equipment which we’re depending on to cross Antarctica this winter. The Boys (as we’re all now calling…

Camp 2 – by Rob Lambert

Camp 2 – by Rob Lambert

Since we arrived at the ice edge a couple of weeks ago, our work here has concentrated on getting all of our kit out from the various ship’s holds and hidey holes and onto the ice. As equipment was craned ashore it was whisked away by our myriad of helpers, scurrying busily like so many oompah loompahs (though considerably more attractive), and deposited at one of three main work sites. Firstly,…

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