It is inevitable that the focus of attention is on the six-man Ice Group, especially as we near the coast of Antarctica and approach the daunting task ahead. They are the obvious heroes of our story and they have the toughest role to play. If they succeed, it is very likely that books will be written and films made about them. Indeed, a documentary is being filmed as I write, and Ran is preparing…
When the Ice Team gets to Antarctica in just a few days’ time, they will spend about a week offloading the ship before the SA Agulhas and her crew wave goodbye to them for the best part of a year. Once alone, the team will be doing preparatory walks to bring their fitness levels up, provide polar experience for Spencer Smirl and Richmond Dykes (who have not been to the Antarctic before) and carry…
Mysteries of life at sea, #237.

By Rob Lambert It’s not often that I take a photo of my bathroom, but I do so here to illustrate a worrying phenomenon. Apparently I’m a messy showerer. Here’s the bathroom (or head, as nautical folk call it) shared by me and my cabin-mate, Ian ‘pretty boy’ Prickett. As you can see, it has a little shower section at the far end, separated from the rest of the room by a wee tiled wall, but no…