January 11, 2013

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iBlog – Dr Rob Lambert tells us more about his work

Dr Rob Lambert reveals more about some of the scientific studies he will be undertaking. Or, as he rather puts it, this is his iBlog (get it?!): “A major aim of our expedition is to raise funds for Seeing is Believing, which aims to tackle avoidable blindness all over the planet. So perhaps appropriately, besides the small matter of crossing Antarctica in winter, another of the expedition’s aims…

“Bird-watching” by Jill Bowring

We started on the second day out of Cape Town after Adrian McCallum, our resident scientist from Australia, set the hours from 9-10, 2-3pm and 7-8pm for the task, and encouraged as many as possible to join in. It turned out to be quite a social activity, especially since there were practically no birds to spot. It is well known that once you have left coastal waters with the terns, cormorants and…

All at Sea

All at Sea

ALL AT SEA – by Anton Bowring We have reached the Roaring Forties. We are at 42°S to be precise. If you read the Admiralty Pilot Book, it describes the area we are entering thus: “…rough seas are common in all seasons, becoming very high or even phenomenal during the passage of the deep E-moving depressions. Maximum wave heights are thought to be around 25m over most of this mainly W-wind…

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