Q: What is the Ice Teams’ unanimously favourite guilty pleasure when you get downtime? (by Gina Callini) A: In the modern world communications are often taken for granted but given where we are and the fact that we are totally isolated in a polar winter we are incredibly lucky to have an Iridium Pilot satellite system with both voice and internet access. This is our window to the world and it…
Weather Stats

Here are some meteorological stats which Brian Newham has pulled together covering the 87-day period when the sun was down (9th May to 3rd August): Average temperature minus 41 C (-42 F) Minimum temperature minus 55 C (-67 F) Maximum temperature minus 23 C (-9 F) Average wind speed 27 knots (31 mph) Minimum…
Every Little Helps

A lot of people have given up their time, energy and in some cases money to help bring this expedition to life – and not just the people on the website’s biography pages. While the level of input varies enormously, even a modest assistance can have a very meaningful effect on the expedition as a whole. Ash and Dia Morton (pictured) bought the fabric for and made the depot flags which hav…
Fact of the Day: What is aurora australis?

The aurora australis, commonly known as the southern lights, is a glow observed in the night sky created by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere. The charged particles originate in the magnetosphere and solar winds that pass by Earth are directed by the Earths magnetic field into the atmosphere. The amazing photo below was taken by the Team back…