A Good Day

After the frustrations of the last two days, today has been a good day. Having started the vehicle preheat before the sun rose and quickly reassembled the Ice Train, we were on the move by 0830. It was an overcast start with poor contrast and no horizon but the vehicles are now both running well and we were soon clocking up some distance. It stayed like that for much of the day until lat…
Pic of the Day
by Brian Newham…
The Coldest Journey App Now Available!
We are delighted to announce the launch of The Coldest Journey app! Ready for download now, this app contains lots of at-a-glance info which we are sure many of you out there will love. Check out the most up-to-date position of the Ice Train on the Live Map and find out just how cold it is down there with the temperature and wind speed dashboard. Scroll along to the next page for the most recent…