December 27, 2012

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Anton’s latest blog – Part Three of Three

The doctor and I made our way back to our seats. I was close to passing out for real. My legs were like jelly. Technically, as the winner of our round, I should have moved on to the next heat but Londiwe was very sweet and said that I had done enough. The winners were engineer cadet, Kwasi Ampomah, jointly with deck cadet, Mzamoyakhe Mngoma, for the men and deck cadet, Priscilla Afful, for t…

Anton’s latest blog – Part Two of Three

So, what about Christmas? Well, the temperature was around 24°C. We were a little over three hundred miles to the west of northern Namibia and the sea was pretty calm although there was a freshening breeze from the south which made us pitch slightly more than we have recently experienced. Having said that, it certainly didn’t dampen the celebrations which were conducted with great energy and…

Anton’s latest blog – Part One of Three

Christmas Day on SA Agulhas   It has been a long day, but what a day! Breakfast at 7.30 was a simple affair but included homemade bread and cakes. My admiration for the catering team under chef, Mogamat Khan, and chief steward, Clint van Rooy, is boundless. They have performed miracles every day and today they surpassed themselves. Before I go into a description of the day’s activities, it…

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