December 4, 2012

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River Dance

Check out this amazing stop-frame video of the SA Agulhas making her way up the River Thames yesterday, complete with sailing through Tower Bridge and docking alongside HMS…

IMPORTANT: New time of departure on Thursday

IMPORTANT: New time of departure on Thursday

Dear Members of the Public, Last week we posted a blog saying that the SA Agulhas was due to leave the Thames at between 5.45pm and 6pm on Thursday, 6th December. THIS HAS NOW CHANGED TO 3.15PM. We apologise for any inconvenience this alteration makes, and would still love it if you could join us by the riverside on Thursday afternoon to wave the ship off. SA Agulhas will be carrying all of t…

“Joining the team”, by Dr Rob Lambert

The last few days have passed in a bit of a blur. Most of the team have been working together for several months; however, having just returned from a year away with the British Antarctic Survey, this weekend provided me with my first opportunity to meet them all in the flesh. It was with plenty of excitement and some trepidation that I arrived on Friday at Canary Wharf, where it was all hands…

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