The Dig
The Ice Team had their work cut out for them when they woke up this morning to find their fuel sleds imbedded in two days and nights of snowdrift. Perseverance paid off and they finished the day 39km further south than when they started. Good work…
On the Move

A sunny but breezy morning. 25kts and low drift. Took us about three hrs to get dug out and the Ice Train reassembled. Now we are trucking at around 5km/hr. Need to make some mileage today so likely to be a long one. Update by Brian Newham, Travers…
By Anton Bowring, on board SA Agulhas. It’s ten pm and it’s hot. The air temperature is way up in the mid 20s. We have slowed to seven knots and we are about to alter course. Cape Point lighthouse is just seven miles ahead. Looking at the chart, I can tell you that it flashes blink, blink, pause, blink every thirty seconds. The light itself stands eighty-seven meters above sea level and in good…