January 25, 2013

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Latest News from Crown Bay

Another successful day. By this evening we had all the fuel sledges (scoots) secured with fuel bladders full. The cry went up late this evening that we were “flubbered up”! However, we still have another 300 drums in the hold which will be used to lay a depot up to the plateau. This includes a significant margin in reserve. In one or two places the incline will require the Caterpillar bulldozers…

Filling the Flubbers

The latest stop frame video from the ice, courtesy of the irrespressible Geoff Long. In it we see the “flubbers” being filled with fuel from the drums, which are being continuously craned onto the ice from the ship’s hold, and then being towed off to the base. Note how a line of shadow drifts slowly across the snow at the bottom of the screen. Not sure what it is, but it shows off the tim…

Another Productive Day on the Ice

Last night we remained hove to in the pack ice. It was a beautiful night with a pink sky reflecting on the ice around us. At 8am we were back at the unloading position and the first team went over in the crane basket so that discharging could start afresh. Today, we continued to transfer fuel from drums into the large rubber bladders we call ‘flubbers’. We also unloaded more fuel sledges (scoots)…

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