January 19, 2013

Daily Archives

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The Magic of Mogamat Kahn

By Anton Bowring My colleagues and I have given much attention recently to the splendours of the Southern Ocean and, increasingly, to the subject of Antarctica. It is hardly surprising. It isn’t every day that one visits Antarctica (although, shortly, our visit is about to be on an all too daily basis and, for some, it will be on an annual basis). This is all well and good but there are other…


Today is our 11th day at sea on the Agulhas. We are right on scheduled to complete a 13-day trip to Crown Bay from Cape Town. Considering the slight mechanical glitch our first day, I am told this is really good time. When I stood down from my bunk this morning and looked outside, hoping to see even more ice than the day before, I was disheartened by the complete lack of icy obstacles. Instead,…

It’s a Hard LIfe On Board – by Ian Prickett

The great white continent is in sight and my routine is about to be shaken off. We have endured two punishing weeks at sea on board our expedition ship the SA Agulhas. Having sailed a few times now through these seas, I was looking forward to having a good old rough and tumble with the best that the Southern Ocean could throw at us. In reality I have had rougher crossings in my kayak paddling…

Pack Ice

We reached the pack ice earlier this morning. If there was anyone aboard who hadn’t felt the true reality of this voyage, they have now. Stunning. Photo: Geoff Long…

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