January 17, 2013

Daily Archives

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The Antarctic Circle – and other things

Tonight we will cross the Antarctic Circle so we can truly say that we have arrived in its waters. The sea temperature is down around +1C, the birdlife has slowly changed and the frequency of bergs has increased – we just know that we are nearing the pack-ice and the great white continent. But what is the Antarctic Circle ? For those that don’t know here is a quick insight: The world is split…

Flickr – and engine room pics

Did you know that there are nearly 200 images from the expedition to date in our Flickr gallery? To see them, click on the set of images in the bottom right hand side of any Coldest Journey web page. Images are arranged in “sets”. When you click through from the website you will initially be taken to “Recent Images”. If you want to see older photographs, click where it says By The Coldest Journey…

White Mars Training Video

Click on the image to watch a short video by James Clark about the fascinating White Mars research project which will be carried out during the expedition. Featuring Dr Mik…

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