November 28, 2012

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Public Event: Ship Departure

Dear Members of the Public, As you may have realised by the website’s homepage countdown, the launch date is very fast approaching. The SA Agulhas, our expedition ship, is due to arrive in the Docklands tomorrow and then move to moor alongside the HMS Belfast on Monday. She will then set sail at around 5.30pm/6pm on Thursday, 6th December following an on-board media event during the day. We would…

Blog Post from Expedition Co-Leader

“If you have ever jumped with a parachute you will know how, at first, when the parachute opens, your descent seems slow. It is only as you get close to landing that you realise how fast you are going and suddenly you hit the ground hard. That’s how I feel at the moment. For the past five years that we have been planning the expedition, progress was slow but constant. Now we have only a few days…

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